Index of values

bus_of_usb_bus [Usb_fun]
bus_of_usb_bus b

get_busses_list [Usb_fun]

is_null [Usb]
Test if a value, opaque in Ocaml, is NULL in C
is_readable_ep [Usb_fun]

open_dev [Usb_fun]
open_dev dev

usb_bulk_read [Usb]
usb_bulk_read handle ep size timeout, differently from libusb, this function doesn't take the buffer as an input parameter but as an output parameter.
usb_bulk_write [Usb]
usb_bus_devices [Usb]
usb_bus_dirname [Usb]
usb_bus_next [Usb]
usb_bus_prev [Usb]
usb_claim_interface [Usb]
usb_clear_halt [Usb]
usb_close [Usb]
usb_control_msg [Usb]
usb_control_msg handle requesttype request value index size timeout, differently from libusb, this function doesn't take the buffer as an input parameter but as an output parameter.
usb_device_bus [Usb]
usb_device_config [Usb]
usb_device_descriptor [Usb]
usb_device_filename [Usb]
usb_device_next [Usb]
usb_device_prev [Usb]
usb_find_busses [Usb]
usb_find_devices [Usb]
usb_get_busses [Usb]
usb_get_string [Usb]
usb_get_string_simple [Usb]
usb_init [Usb]
usb_open [Usb]
In the C version this function can return NULL, in Ocaml, since it is opaque, you can testif it is null using the function Usb.is_null
usb_release_interface [Usb]
usb_reset [Usb]
usb_resetep [Usb]
usb_set_altinterface [Usb]
usb_set_configuration [Usb]